Updated : 2024/01/23
On the morning of October 4th, UFLS-UD solemnly organized the opening ceremony of academic year 2023-2024, welcoming over 1800 freshmen
Speaking at the event, Associate Professor Dr. Tran Huu Phuc, Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of UFLS-UD enthusically welcomed honorable delegates and congratulated the 2023 class of 1827 students on their enrollment for 26 majors in 9 faculties of the university. As the admission target has been almost fulfilled, the total number of full-time undergraduate students has amounted to around 7000. The admission cutoff scores are mostly set very high for all majors of UFLS-UD, with the highest cutoff score at 27,17 and the highest scorer at 28,28 for the admission based on national high school exit exams.