Delegation from Embassy of The Republic of Belarus in Vietnam visits UFLS
Updated : 2017/05/18
On 12 May, 2017, UFLS welcomed and worked with the delegation from Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Vietnam headed by Mr. Vladimir Anatolievich Goshin, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to Vietnam. Representatives of UFLS to attend the event included Assoc. Prof. Duong Quoc Cuong - Vice Rector, lecturers and students from Department of Russian and leaders of other departments.
Assoc. Prof. Duong Quoc Cuong giving his speech
At the meeting, Assoc. Prof. Duong Quoc Cuong warmly welcomed Mr. Vladimir Anatolievich Goshin and his delegation for their visit to UFLS. He gave a brief introduction about the 40-year- history of the university, especially the contribution of the Russian Department to improving the friendship between Vietnam and Belarus. Moreover, Cuong hoped that both sides would discuss effective ways for cooperation, particularly in connecting UFLS with universities and research institutes in Belarus.
Mr. Vladimir Anatolievich Goshin, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to Vietnam delivering his speech
Appreciating the warm welcome by UFLS, Mr. Vladimir Anatolievich Goshin, the Ambassador agreed with the issues mentioned by the Vice Rector and affirmed his best effort to find out solutions for cooperation in economics, culture, education and tourism. He also believed that lecturers and students of the Russian Department would become ambassadors contributing to strengthening the relationship between Vietnam and Belarus.
Assoc. Prof. Duong Quoc Cuong offering flowers to Mr. Vladimir Anatolievich Goshin

Assoc. Prof. Duong Quoc Cuong giving his speech
At the meeting, Assoc. Prof. Duong Quoc Cuong warmly welcomed Mr. Vladimir Anatolievich Goshin and his delegation for their visit to UFLS. He gave a brief introduction about the 40-year- history of the university, especially the contribution of the Russian Department to improving the friendship between Vietnam and Belarus. Moreover, Cuong hoped that both sides would discuss effective ways for cooperation, particularly in connecting UFLS with universities and research institutes in Belarus.

Mr. Vladimir Anatolievich Goshin, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to Vietnam delivering his speech
Appreciating the warm welcome by UFLS, Mr. Vladimir Anatolievich Goshin, the Ambassador agreed with the issues mentioned by the Vice Rector and affirmed his best effort to find out solutions for cooperation in economics, culture, education and tourism. He also believed that lecturers and students of the Russian Department would become ambassadors contributing to strengthening the relationship between Vietnam and Belarus.

Assoc. Prof. Duong Quoc Cuong offering flowers to Mr. Vladimir Anatolievich Goshin