The 8th AISOFOLL: “Supporting the Critical Thinking Skills through Language Teaching”
Updated : 2018/06/09
The 8th Annual International Symposium of Foreign Language Learning (AISOFOLL) was convened by SEAMEO QITEP in Language (SEAQIL) at Ciputra Hotel, Jakarta on 18-19 October 2017. The purpose of this year symposium was to enlighten language teachers on the importance of critical thinking skills in the process of teaching and learning. As teachers, they should not make the students only to learn the contents imminently at the classroom, but they should also prepare students always to learn even after leaving the classroom. It can be done by teachers by integrating critical thinking into activities and tasks in the classroom. Through critical thinking skills, the students will be capable in analysing new situations related on facts and concepts, and thinking critically as well as creatively to solve problems by relating those to each other, criticising, drawing conclusions, and creating new ideas. In other words, critical thinking skills is needed to make the students become lifelong learners. Based on those reasons, “Supporting the Critical Thinking Skills through Language Teaching” was chosen as the theme of this year AISOFOLL.
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