UFLS-UD hosted the VietCALL 2015 Conference: Integrating ICT into BA Programs in TEFL on October 17, 2015
Updated : 2015/10/30
The conference attracted the participation of more than 300 lecturers, teachers, doctoral students, and post-graduate students. In addition to the research papers of scientists and experts, the conference also received 27 papers written by researchers from national and international universities and colleges.
The Organization Board and Presenters
Mr. Phi Duc Nam – Deputy Chief of Executive Board, National Foreign Languages 2020 Project
"The National Foreign Languages 2020 Project has passed its halfway point. Recently, from the success of conferences that were parts of the categories assigned by the National Foreign Languages 2020 Project, the UFLS - UD has built and successfully implemented advanced standards of language teacher training. This includes the following topics: from teacher-competence to methods of foreign language instruction, application components of ICT in teaching and learning a foreign language, compilation of teaching materials, fostering teaching staff and master teachers in the field of assessment and English teacher education, action research.”
“The result of these programs has been an increase in the quality of teaching faculty in universities, colleges and secondary schools. This conference is an opportunity for us to exchange discussions leading to agreement in orientation in order to arrive at the most suitable materials and programs to meet the requirements of all educational establishments. Hopefully, all the participants here …will be contributing to the successful implementation of the mission of NFL 2020 in particular and of career education in general.” said Mr. Phi Duc Nam.
The conference covered a wide range of topics including E-learning, the application of technology to the language classroom, the use of online databases in the language classroom, cultural exchange programs, managing multimedia/hypermedia environments, new technologies in the language teaching and learning, enhancing autonomous learning through technology, and many other topics related to the application of ICT in domains of foreign language teaching, as well as the design and development of foreign language teacher-education programs, and English teacher-education programs in particular.
Dr. Nguyen Van Long – Vice Rector of UFLS-UD
Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu - Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy
Dr. Thai Duy Bao – Australian National University
Dr. Phạm Ngọc Thạch – Ha Noi University
M.A. Nguyễn Thị Lan Hường - University of Languages and International Studies - Vietnam National University, Ha Noi
Through the presentations in plenary and concurrent sessions, the conference was an opportunity for lecturers, teachers, researchers, and experts to share experiences and propose ideas and solutions in language teaching. They also shared on the application of information technology in language teaching and learning, with particular focus on the design and development of training program syllabi.
Dr. Tran Huu Phuc – Rector of UFLS-UD
At the opening speech, Dr. Tran Huu Phuc said: "It can be seen that we have chosen the right direction in the implementation of tasks assigned by the National Foreign Language 2020 project with a focus on surveying and fostering teachers’ competence, applying information technology in language teaching and learning, designing training program syllabi and developing curricula. Over the years, the University of Foreign Languages - The University of Da Nang has been carrying out its efforts consistently to develop the quality of teaching and learning foreign languages. With human-centered principles, we always focus on the quality of the teaching staff. Only with good teaching staff can we have the good teaching quality, only with good teaching staff can we improve the quality of training, and can we create engaging academic activities. It’s only with high-quality staff that we can promote the application of modern technology to form creative methods, to build effective programs attracting learners.”
The Organization Board presented flowers and certificates to presenters
In his closing conference speech, Dr. Tran Huu Phuc stressed: "We believe that the success of this conference will provide an excellent platform for us to continue to promote the application of information technology in teaching and learning foreign languages in general and in designing and developing BA programs in TEFL in particular. This will lead to the successful implementation of the tasks assigned by the National Foreign Languages 2020 project in the context of the process of industrialization, modernization and international integration. International integration is increasingly far-reaching and the ASEAN economic community will be established at the end of this year, which aligns with the leapfrog strategy issued by our Party and State under the Decision No.1400 in 2008."

The Organization Board and Presenters

Mr. Phi Duc Nam – Deputy Chief of Executive Board, National Foreign Languages 2020 Project
"The National Foreign Languages 2020 Project has passed its halfway point. Recently, from the success of conferences that were parts of the categories assigned by the National Foreign Languages 2020 Project, the UFLS - UD has built and successfully implemented advanced standards of language teacher training. This includes the following topics: from teacher-competence to methods of foreign language instruction, application components of ICT in teaching and learning a foreign language, compilation of teaching materials, fostering teaching staff and master teachers in the field of assessment and English teacher education, action research.”
“The result of these programs has been an increase in the quality of teaching faculty in universities, colleges and secondary schools. This conference is an opportunity for us to exchange discussions leading to agreement in orientation in order to arrive at the most suitable materials and programs to meet the requirements of all educational establishments. Hopefully, all the participants here …will be contributing to the successful implementation of the mission of NFL 2020 in particular and of career education in general.” said Mr. Phi Duc Nam.
The conference covered a wide range of topics including E-learning, the application of technology to the language classroom, the use of online databases in the language classroom, cultural exchange programs, managing multimedia/hypermedia environments, new technologies in the language teaching and learning, enhancing autonomous learning through technology, and many other topics related to the application of ICT in domains of foreign language teaching, as well as the design and development of foreign language teacher-education programs, and English teacher-education programs in particular.

Dr. Nguyen Van Long – Vice Rector of UFLS-UD

Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu - Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy

Dr. Thai Duy Bao – Australian National University

Dr. Phạm Ngọc Thạch – Ha Noi University

M.A. Nguyễn Thị Lan Hường - University of Languages and International Studies - Vietnam National University, Ha Noi
Through the presentations in plenary and concurrent sessions, the conference was an opportunity for lecturers, teachers, researchers, and experts to share experiences and propose ideas and solutions in language teaching. They also shared on the application of information technology in language teaching and learning, with particular focus on the design and development of training program syllabi.

Dr. Tran Huu Phuc – Rector of UFLS-UD
At the opening speech, Dr. Tran Huu Phuc said: "It can be seen that we have chosen the right direction in the implementation of tasks assigned by the National Foreign Language 2020 project with a focus on surveying and fostering teachers’ competence, applying information technology in language teaching and learning, designing training program syllabi and developing curricula. Over the years, the University of Foreign Languages - The University of Da Nang has been carrying out its efforts consistently to develop the quality of teaching and learning foreign languages. With human-centered principles, we always focus on the quality of the teaching staff. Only with good teaching staff can we have the good teaching quality, only with good teaching staff can we improve the quality of training, and can we create engaging academic activities. It’s only with high-quality staff that we can promote the application of modern technology to form creative methods, to build effective programs attracting learners.”

The Organization Board presented flowers and certificates to presenters

In his closing conference speech, Dr. Tran Huu Phuc stressed: "We believe that the success of this conference will provide an excellent platform for us to continue to promote the application of information technology in teaching and learning foreign languages in general and in designing and developing BA programs in TEFL in particular. This will lead to the successful implementation of the tasks assigned by the National Foreign Languages 2020 project in the context of the process of industrialization, modernization and international integration. International integration is increasingly far-reaching and the ASEAN economic community will be established at the end of this year, which aligns with the leapfrog strategy issued by our Party and State under the Decision No.1400 in 2008."