UFLS-UD Students Winning First Prize of The Final Showdown 2018 English Olympiad for English Major Students
Updated : 2018/12/25
On November 30th, the Final Showdown of the English Olympiad for English Major Students 2018 (E4US-2018) this year took place at University of Language and International Studies – Hanoi National University, students from University of Foreign Language Studies – The University of Danang (UFLS-UD) were acclaimed to win the first prize. With a journey of 04 months spanning through 04 contests, E4US-2018 is a really helpful academic ‘playground’ for English majoring students from over 40 universities, colleges and academies.
“Unitil now, ever time I make my recollections into those fond memories, the very moments when we were acclaimed the winner of the final showdown of the English Olympiad for English Major Students always come flooding in me. It is so hard to put those feelings into words: a little nice surprise blended with a range of positive emotions of both sublimation and happiness. This is perhaps the greatest motivation and the most valuable gift that the Organising Board has awarded us for our all-out efforts and time dedicated over the past four months. From the very first day coming up with the idea to the final showdown with its decisive weighting on our presentation, our team has encountered an array of difficulties. Yet, with the tremendous help and support from our dearest teachers and Youth union staff, we have managed to triumph over the hurdles and accomplished our competing session. At the Seminar before the final showdown, our team convinced the Panel and the audience of our short impromptu but eloquent presentation (with the topic given 10 minutes before) and of our immense critical and creative thinking, which is very characteristic of UFLS-UD students. Our efforts were then justly and worthilly rewarded by the Panel at the Final Showdown of the English Olympiad for English Major Students 2018.” This is what has been shared by Dương Nguyễn Tuệ Giang from Class 15SPA02, team leader of the Olympic team of UFLS-UD after the Final Showdown E4US-2018 taking place at University of Language and International Studies – Hanoi National University on November 30th 2018.
The Olympic Team of UFLS – UD
The Final Showdown E4US-2018 brought together 05 best teams well selected from the regional showdowns – the Northern Showdown (one team); the Central Showdown (one team); the Southern Showdown (one team); one team with the most original idea and one runner-up of the regional showdown (for the region having the largest number of competing teams for Round 2). These five names were honoured to show up in the Final Showdown E4US-2018 organised in the Capital City of Hanoi on November 30th 2018, including the People’s Security Institute, Military Sciences Academy, People’s Police Academy, University of Foreign Language Studies – The University of Danang, and Binh Duong University.
With the theme “English in promoting local tourist industry”, at the final showdown, each team showed a short video clip (05 minutes) and presented their opinions before the Board of Panelists (10 minutes). The participating teams had 02 minutes answering the questions raised by the Panel and by the opposing team. After all the sessions at the final showdown night, the UFLS-UD team with 05 members: Đinh Văn Hiếu - Class 16CNATM01; Nguyễn Thị Bích Phương - Class 17CNA12; Dương Nguyễn Tuệ Giang - Class 15SPA02; Nguyễn Thị Đoan Thanh - Class 17SPA01 and Trần Anh Thịnh - lớp 17CNACLC01 excelled their performance and conquered the love of the Panel and the audience, winning the first prize of the Olympiad.
Video clip by UFLS-UD Olympic Team
In the preceding Final - Central Showdown, the UFLS-UD team won the first prize with their excellent performance on the topic introducing the Revolutionary Base K20 – The National Historic Site recognised in 2010.
Photo taken by the winning UFLS-UD team and the panelists at Final-Central Showdown
Together with a number of prizes won in many a competition and contest in academic, linguistic, cultural and international integration domains by UFLS-UD students in 2018, the outstanding achievements made by UFLS-UD students in the National English Olympiad E4US is a testament to asserting the quality of training and research, contributing to enhanced reputation and prestige of University of Foreign Language Studies in particular and University of Danang in general in the entire education system of the country.
“Unitil now, ever time I make my recollections into those fond memories, the very moments when we were acclaimed the winner of the final showdown of the English Olympiad for English Major Students always come flooding in me. It is so hard to put those feelings into words: a little nice surprise blended with a range of positive emotions of both sublimation and happiness. This is perhaps the greatest motivation and the most valuable gift that the Organising Board has awarded us for our all-out efforts and time dedicated over the past four months. From the very first day coming up with the idea to the final showdown with its decisive weighting on our presentation, our team has encountered an array of difficulties. Yet, with the tremendous help and support from our dearest teachers and Youth union staff, we have managed to triumph over the hurdles and accomplished our competing session. At the Seminar before the final showdown, our team convinced the Panel and the audience of our short impromptu but eloquent presentation (with the topic given 10 minutes before) and of our immense critical and creative thinking, which is very characteristic of UFLS-UD students. Our efforts were then justly and worthilly rewarded by the Panel at the Final Showdown of the English Olympiad for English Major Students 2018.” This is what has been shared by Dương Nguyễn Tuệ Giang from Class 15SPA02, team leader of the Olympic team of UFLS-UD after the Final Showdown E4US-2018 taking place at University of Language and International Studies – Hanoi National University on November 30th 2018.

The Olympic Team of UFLS – UD
The Final Showdown E4US-2018 brought together 05 best teams well selected from the regional showdowns – the Northern Showdown (one team); the Central Showdown (one team); the Southern Showdown (one team); one team with the most original idea and one runner-up of the regional showdown (for the region having the largest number of competing teams for Round 2). These five names were honoured to show up in the Final Showdown E4US-2018 organised in the Capital City of Hanoi on November 30th 2018, including the People’s Security Institute, Military Sciences Academy, People’s Police Academy, University of Foreign Language Studies – The University of Danang, and Binh Duong University.

With the theme “English in promoting local tourist industry”, at the final showdown, each team showed a short video clip (05 minutes) and presented their opinions before the Board of Panelists (10 minutes). The participating teams had 02 minutes answering the questions raised by the Panel and by the opposing team. After all the sessions at the final showdown night, the UFLS-UD team with 05 members: Đinh Văn Hiếu - Class 16CNATM01; Nguyễn Thị Bích Phương - Class 17CNA12; Dương Nguyễn Tuệ Giang - Class 15SPA02; Nguyễn Thị Đoan Thanh - Class 17SPA01 and Trần Anh Thịnh - lớp 17CNACLC01 excelled their performance and conquered the love of the Panel and the audience, winning the first prize of the Olympiad.
Video clip by UFLS-UD Olympic Team
In the preceding Final - Central Showdown, the UFLS-UD team won the first prize with their excellent performance on the topic introducing the Revolutionary Base K20 – The National Historic Site recognised in 2010.

Photo taken by the winning UFLS-UD team and the panelists at Final-Central Showdown
Together with a number of prizes won in many a competition and contest in academic, linguistic, cultural and international integration domains by UFLS-UD students in 2018, the outstanding achievements made by UFLS-UD students in the National English Olympiad E4US is a testament to asserting the quality of training and research, contributing to enhanced reputation and prestige of University of Foreign Language Studies in particular and University of Danang in general in the entire education system of the country.