Updated : 2021/07/01
Towards building the capacity on self-assessment and test design and ensuring educational quality assurance standards, on the morning of April 28, 2021, the University of Foreign Language Studies - University of Danang organized the Opening Ceremony of the Test designer training program based on Vietnam’s six-level foreign language proficiency framework.
On accomplishment of the course, participants would be able to grasp basic concepts and principles in testing and assessment; application of information technology and softwares in testing and assessment; evaluation of foreign language proficiency as well as the six levels of MOET’s framework for each of the four language skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing; specifications of rating techqiques and scales of English proficiency tests. Participants of the training program can then apply this knowledge of testing and assessment, foreign language proficiency assessment as well as information technology to design and complete test items, ensuring the reliability and validity of the foreign language proficiency test.