Updated : 2021/07/01
On April 12, the Russian Club acivity with the theme "Experience and Self-Improvement" was held at the Russian Culture Room of UFLS-UD as an extracurricular event of the Faculty of Russian Language. The event offered the faculty students a valuable opportunity to meet the special guestspeaker, Journalist Nhu Ngoc - a former student of the University, currently working at Da Nang Television Station - VTV. This meaningful event thereby helps students gain more useful practical knowledge for self-improvement, and at the same time, inspires their positive emotions which eventually become motivation for their study and development.
Exciting atmosphere was recorded and positive results were obtained in the event. Useful knowledge, helpful consultation and advice from the guestspeaker and detailed clarification of concerns in study and career path were all the fruits that students enjoyed and appreciated most as a result of joining this Russian Club event.