Soft skill training course “Preparing for Work after University” for students of UFLS-UD
Updated : 2018/12/25
Nearly 50 students of UFLS-UD attended the course “Preparing for Work after University held at the campus of UFLS-UD. The course took place from November 22, 2018 to December 01, 2018” and was taught by Mr. Nhan Vo - Van and Ms. Elena Forato.

The course gave the students a chance to approach and practice basic skills before graduation, helping them to become ideal candidates in the eyes of recruiters and enhance their employability. The course consists of such themes as career planning, job applications and preparing for interview, and teamwork and problem -solving in workplace.

The course has been completed successfully thanks to the enthusiasm and professionalism of Mr. Nhan Vo - Van and Ms. Elena Forato which contribute to making it more intriguing. It was a precious opportunity for seniors of UFLS-UD to share and exchange information on job-seeking skills with the two leading experts who have extensive experience in working for the Australian government as well as in soft skill training. On behalf of the Executive management board of the University, Dr. Đào Thị Thanh Phượng – Vice Rector sent the deepest thanks to Mr. Nhan Vo - Van and Ms. Elena Forato for organizing such a useful and attractive training course.