Workshop on Curriculum and Textbook Evaluation
Updated : 2015/06/25
In the morning of May 20th, 2015, The Workshop on Curriculum and Textbook Evaluation was organized at University of Foreign Language Studies, The University of Da Nang (UFLS) with the presentation of Associate Prof. Dr. Cynthia Wiseman – a Fulbright scholar, Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York, USA.
Dr. Nguyen Van Long delivered opening speech
At the opening speech, Dr. Nguyen Van Long – Vice Rector of UFLS expressed his warm welcome to Associate Prof. Dr. Cynthia Wiseman and wished the workshop a success.
Dr. Nguyen Van Long offered flowers to Associate Prof. Dr. Cynthia Wiseman
At the workshop, Associate Prof. Dr. Cynthia Wiseman presented some teaching methods and skills as well as her experiences in evaluating curricula and textbooks effectively and actively. The workshop attracted the participation of many UFLS lecturers and was highly evaluated by its practical and useful benefits.
Participants raised questions
Associate Prof. Dr. Luu Quy Khuong – Dean of International Studies Department, UFLS gave his opinion
Regarding to Cynthia Wiseman’s presentation of designing English language curriculum attracted the interests of many participants,
Associate Prof. Dr. Luu Quy Khuong – Dean of Department of International Studies, UFLS – UD said: the Workshop on Curriculum and Textbook Evaluation is a pressing and necessary demand. The workshop is a professional activity aiming to facilitate lecturers to meet, discuss and upgrade their knowledge in the field of compiling and evaluating textbook under international and regional standards, especially the evaluation standard of universities in ASEAN countries.
M.A. Nguyen My Phuong – Vice Dean of Department of English for Special Purposes expressed her opinion
M.A. Nguyen My Phuong – Vice Dean of Department of English for Special Purposes said: “Associate Prof. Dr. Cynthia Wiseman opens a new approach in curriculum and textbook evaluation. Being an experienced expert in English language teaching and curriculum and textbook designing, Mrs. Cynthia Wiseman conveys her experience to UFLS lecturers to develop their passion for English language teaching. UFLS lecturers express their desire to participate more similar workshops in order to consolidate and improve their capacity in evaluating and designing curricula and textbooks in the university.

Dr. Nguyen Van Long delivered opening speech
At the opening speech, Dr. Nguyen Van Long – Vice Rector of UFLS expressed his warm welcome to Associate Prof. Dr. Cynthia Wiseman and wished the workshop a success.

Dr. Nguyen Van Long offered flowers to Associate Prof. Dr. Cynthia Wiseman
At the workshop, Associate Prof. Dr. Cynthia Wiseman presented some teaching methods and skills as well as her experiences in evaluating curricula and textbooks effectively and actively. The workshop attracted the participation of many UFLS lecturers and was highly evaluated by its practical and useful benefits.

Participants raised questions

Associate Prof. Dr. Luu Quy Khuong – Dean of International Studies Department, UFLS gave his opinion
Regarding to Cynthia Wiseman’s presentation of designing English language curriculum attracted the interests of many participants,
Associate Prof. Dr. Luu Quy Khuong – Dean of Department of International Studies, UFLS – UD said: the Workshop on Curriculum and Textbook Evaluation is a pressing and necessary demand. The workshop is a professional activity aiming to facilitate lecturers to meet, discuss and upgrade their knowledge in the field of compiling and evaluating textbook under international and regional standards, especially the evaluation standard of universities in ASEAN countries.

M.A. Nguyen My Phuong – Vice Dean of Department of English for Special Purposes expressed her opinion
M.A. Nguyen My Phuong – Vice Dean of Department of English for Special Purposes said: “Associate Prof. Dr. Cynthia Wiseman opens a new approach in curriculum and textbook evaluation. Being an experienced expert in English language teaching and curriculum and textbook designing, Mrs. Cynthia Wiseman conveys her experience to UFLS lecturers to develop their passion for English language teaching. UFLS lecturers express their desire to participate more similar workshops in order to consolidate and improve their capacity in evaluating and designing curricula and textbooks in the university.